
Dealing with change resistance

You know the situation: Dealing with the persons valuable to your business today yet sceptical to the new future – constantly balancing the benefit today with harming adaption into the future.

So, how to deal with change resistors?

The Challenge

The shift from the old to the new world of collaboration is a tricky one. In every organization there is a number of people who cherish their cosy environment and or try to stay on the top of the food chain by hiding knowledge, experience and connections and refusing collaboration. These kind of personalities – often driven by uncertainty and fear or simple disinterest and convenience - are the biggest hurdles for the company’s future. Not speaking of those who consciously sabotage all new activities.

Admittedly – these types of personalities existed at all times. But in today’s ever speeding-up world, such people become the main problem for ambitious leaders and their teams – for those who want to make a difference and give it all. No one should underestimate the impact of those «change resistors» and «silent saboteurs» on the company’s development, stability, agility and inner peace. Therefore – once detected – immediate action is needed.

Systemic effects

In times of change these people become the center of attention – why? Because they are constantly trying to defend their position. In order to be successful, they built-up alliances with the likeminded, influence the weakest and sit out all activities. Some wait and wait until there is a good moment to spit the next toxic thought or a changing dynamic in the leadership.

The problem intensifies as the willing and change driving people get more and more demotivated. In order to prevent this, leadership has to be very aware of, aligned and consequent in dealing with these issues. «One bad apple can spoil the whole basket» – goes the saying. So don’t waste time and take care of it. The longer it lasts – the harder it gets!


People deserves to be taken care of. This is as true in good as it is in bad times. As most of the reasons for change resistance or saboteur behavior is caused by weakness and not evil, people deserve to be addressed directly, by explaining the effects of their behavior and by mentioning all the consequences – including potential sanctions. Should this not cause behavioral change, there is only one way – you have to say goodbye, no matter how valuable the person is.

Are you navigating through a moment of change? Let's talk. 

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